
Wolf Quest

The Minnesota Zoo and eduweb partnered up to develop WolfQuest. WolfQuest teaches wolf behavior and ecology through its interactive gameplay. A Wolf Encounter is extremely excited to announce this game and that it is now officially available for download for all to enjoy.   So spread the word!


Join a wild wolf pack and venture into the wilderness in this innovative 3D computer game. Playing alone or with friends in multiplayer missions, you'll join a wolf pack and hunt, fight, and socialize, all while doing your best to survive.

The WolfQuest experience will go beyond the game with an active online community where you can discuss the game with other players, chat with wolf biologists, and share artwork and stories about wolves.

                          WolfQuest has now been released! 

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Copyright©  A Wolf Adventure, A Wild Encounter.  All rights reserved, unless stated otherwise via credit to another. Questions about usage of our written work, or photos?  Please contact us. We are always happy to help out others.  please contact  1 (306) 922-4510

Please Note: We are not provincially, or federally funded. We work to support the outreach work, any programs, and the wolves out of our own pockets, NOT the other way around Through your sponsorship and buying wolf gifts from us, you are not supporting US the human caretakers, any funds ALWAYS 100% go towards future educational programs, & expansion/enrichment for the wolves only, we work jobs like everyone else to support ourselves. The wolves are not bred for profit, nor do we make a living off their lives. We believe if wild has to be in captivity, that they should have jobs to help their wild brethren via educating with their wild messages. We believe in keeping wild; wild and thus actively participate via partaking ourselves in, and financially supporting other worthy wildlife rehab organizations, & wildlife/habitat conservation organizations.