


Wolf Echo Valleys A Wolf Adventure, a Wild Encounter is a  licensed educational outreach facility, and eco conservation center. Located within a beautiful pristine Provincial forest system in Saskatchewan, AWA-AWE is home not only to an amazing diverse eco system, but some bottle raised permanent captive wolf ambassadors. AWA-AWE is committed to offering visitors a unique experience with wildlife and the natural environment. 
AWA's Adopted Mantra:
Foster Respect
Inspire Exploration
Promote Responsible Stewardship
Nurture Empathy
Motivate Conservation
Encourage Creativity
Embrace Wonder
Empower Awareness
Experience A Wild Connection 
Impart A Wild Insight and Wisdom
A Wolf Adventure's Mission:
 1) Commitment: AWA fosters, nurtures, inspires, and promotes a healthy respect of wildlife and surrounding habitat. We believe the only true way to attain an understanding of the importance of conservation, is through education. 
2)  Youth/Community: AWA-AWE targets the youth, as we have found that children learn to understand themselves more, and gain important tools in life dealings when they learn about their natural environment and residents in a close and personal manner. Animals and nature truly are healing agents all on their own.  We honestly believe that when we focus on fostering healthy youth, we  in essence also help create and foster healthy environments.
3) Protection: Wolves remain one of the most highly misunderstood creatures, and the myths abound of just what this feared predator is truly all about.  Ask two different people and you usually get two different answers. Through interaction with our captive wild yet socialized ambassadors, they give the public an opportunity to see up close and in person what a wolf is, and what they are not.  It is our hopes here at WolfEcho Valley that what people understand, they help to protect. AWA-AWE keeps up to date on the worldly protection of wolves, and supports programs that help to protect the wild lands in which such animals reside.
4) Education: Though it is A Wolf Adventure's firm belief and stance that wild should remain as such, we have also come to recognize the dire need for education, thus through our captive wolves we not only can help to foster and secure future wild wolf populations, but their natural habitat.  Without an appreciation and abundance of natural habitat there will be no wild animals left to educate about.

BUT it is more than just being able to see a wolf in captivity, that helps people to get involved with saving them. I don't think people connect with any wild animal, and wish to help protect them in the their natural habitat, unless they also make an emotional connection to the natural wild lands, in which those wild animals reside.  

This is where truly WolfEcho Valley is unique as they help visitors to also *make that connection* and walk away with more than simply seeing a wolf in a cage, which does nothing ultimately to foster a true wild wisdom. Visitors are able to interact on a more intimate level with AWA's ambassador wolves in their natural habitat, through personal observation and educational programs.
5) Conservation: Promoting an appreciation of everything wild. AWA's pristine lands are kept in their natural wild state. This helps foster an appreciation of everything wild, not just wolves. You will not find manipulated nor artificial environments for our captive wild residents.
6) Ecological Footprint: A Wolf Adventure, is also a TRUE Conservation minded facility as our own lifestyles reflect truly caring for the natural environment. Our sponsorship certificates are  printed up on recycled paper, the cabin is heated using a grain stove, and vehicles run on bio-diesel, we use our own shopping bags (no plastic bags used here) These are but a few examples, (and we are consistently evolving  ecologically at the Ranch, in an environmentally friendly manner.) We simply don't just talk about conservation, we put into practice our own advice, and leading through example.
7) Wild life rehabilitationAWA-AWE supports, and implements wildlife rehabilitation practices at it's facility, as well as getting entire communities involved in playing their own part. Community involvement is acomplished via educational programs on how to become involved in keeping wild...wild! 


WEV's Visionary Goals
  • Act as responsible stewards for all wildlife, and of the natural environment. This is accomplished through exceptional care of the wild residents (releasable and non releasable), preservation and attainment of wildlands, and implementing wildlife rehabilitation at the facility.
  • Continual development and implementation of leading edge educational programs, designed to inspire, motivate,  and promote ecological principles in every day living. Programs designed in such a way as to encourage exploration, and understanding, of the natural environment and all it's wild inhabitants.
  • Develop a state of the art facility which includes an outdoor/indoor eco classroom/gift shop.
  • Improve facilities via expansion and restructuring to provide the wolves with the largest and most innovative of habitats.
  • Enrichment ideas continue to be developed, and implemented, to provide necessary stimulation for the over all well being (emotional, physical, and nutritional) of the captive wild residents.
  • Continue to develop and improve infrastructure of public facilities at AWA.
  •  To provide hands on learning through stimulating interactive displays.
  • Continuing education (Any talks/lectures/schooling necessary to stay on top of information pertaining to animal husbandry)
  • Play it's part in any endangered species breeding programs

Very Special thanks to Louis Breton of LB consulting, and Tristin Miles for the  brainstorming to help me put together AWE's complete Mission & Visionary Goals.



In Addition:
  • AWE Maintains high standards of professional, personal and buisness conduct. 
  • Disseminates information and advice to the public in a professional manner .
  • Displays the highest level of ethics, and integrity in all dealings.
  • Stays in good legal and ethical standing as a member of other such organizations.
  • Strives at all times to ensure the facilities are continuously improved, for the welfare and betterment of the animals in our care.
  • That AWE as a whole, and any staff members education/training is ongoing
 Due to such high costs of providing these experiences, and continual expansion and growth as funds allow, there are various ways you can help us out so we can continue to reach out 
 you can become a  Volunteer  at AWE 
or go to the  How To Help  page


The deeper we look into nature, the more we recognize that it is full of life, and the more profoundly we know that all life is a secret and that we are united with all life that is in nature. Man can no longer live for himself alone. We realize that all life is valuable, and that we are united to all this life. From this knowledge comes our spiritual relationship to the universe
Albert Schweitzer

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Copyright©  A Wolf Adventure, A Wild Encounter.  All rights reserved, unless stated otherwise via credit to another. Questions about usage of our written work, or photos?  Please contact us. We are always happy to help out others.  please contact  1 (306) 922-4510

Please Note: We are not provincially, or federally funded. We work to support the outreach work, any programs, and the wolves out of our own pockets, NOT the other way around Through your sponsorship and buying wolf gifts from us, you are not supporting US the human caretakers, any funds ALWAYS 100% go towards future educational programs, & expansion/enrichment for the wolves only, we work jobs like everyone else to support ourselves. The wolves are not bred for profit, nor do we make a living off their lives. We believe if wild has to be in captivity, that they should have jobs to help their wild brethren via educating with their wild messages. We believe in keeping wild; wild and thus actively participate via partaking ourselves in, and financially supporting other worthy wildlife rehab organizations, & wildlife/habitat conservation organizations.